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Social Media has become a massive part of everyone's daily life and saying that we spend most of our days online would be an understatement. People have seen the success to be significant in bringing their businesses to social media and advertising their services there.

We have researched 4 Social media trends on the rise to give everyone insight into what is to come and what you guys should keep in the loop for the future.

1. TikTok will continue to grow.

We have seen TikTok grow significantly fast these past two years. Gen Z and Millenials have taken the app to another level. In September 2021, Tik Tok reported having reached the 1 billion mark and had been downloaded over 200 million times.

TikTok can be used as both a social and a business platform where individuals and business owners can hop on trends millions of people watch. With business profiles, they can create ads for their audience.

So without a doubt, TikTok will continue to grow exponentially.

2. Short-form videos will continue to rise

Short-form videos typically last between 31 to 60 seconds, so less is more.

With TikTok, Instagram Reels and stories, and Youtube Shorts, videos are one of the best ways to post content.

According to Animoto, 93% of brands got a new customer because of a video on social media. Brands are taking notice of these huge ways they can benefit from and continue to succeed.

So now would be the best time to start making short-form videos and using them to your advantage if you have not already.

3. Influencer marketing will continue to dominate

Influencer marketing is and will continue to be an essential part of social media. They have played a fantastic role in promoting different businesses. It is a successful way for companies to publicize themselves, and cheaper to work with small influencers than with celebrities. The most crucial part is for businesses to find the right influencers to promote the brand.

The influencer marketing industry in 2016 grew from $1.7 billion to $13.8 billion in 2021, and the market is projected to expand to a $16.4 billion industry, according to Influencer Marketing Hub. Influencers have shown this strategy to be enormously successful over the years, and it is here to stay.

4. Shoppers will buy products directly on social media

The pandemic's impact on online shopping is enormous; it changed many people from buying the things they need in-person to online. E-commerce sales rose from $571.2 billion in 2019 to $815.4 billion in 2020, the first year following the pandemic, according to the most recent 2020 ARTS release, a surge of $244.2 billion or 43%.

With businesses being advertised on social media daily, it only makes sense to be able to buy the product where you saw it. Buying products directly from that specific app will cut down that extra step of having to research it on another tab—the more accessible, the better.

Now that you're all caught up with rising trends, you can stay ahead of your competitors. Social media is constantly changing, so adapting to new trends is essential. Remember, strategies you may have been using in the past might not work now, so we must make sure we alter those strategies to fit these new trends.

Stay tuned for other blogs to come. Thank you for visiting Costa Blogs. :)

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